Tuesday, July 26, 2011


Hallowed ground reach for the west
Amazing how long things last
when you're alone.
But the light, air, and cosmos
blowing in and out
lungs clear

Everything I never wanted to say
all the times I lied
pretending to be that
when all the time
this is who I am.
At this time.

I am a trampoline of misconceptions
bouncing from high to low
enjoying the ride
wondering what consequences I leave behind. 

None I guess because
I swim with the dead
who see me as the bottom of a grave
they can lay on me
but they must change to rot
to get inside.

MY stomach cares
my heart isn't there
and when my brain takes hold
there is no remorse
no love
just pure thought.

I want to fall endlessly
back into feeling i care
feeling you care
trembling lips
by the logic 
by the stoic
by the thought 
if you ever touched me
a would vomit
pearls, diamonds, emeralds, and gold.

Ugly is an open field
of no restraint
dances without thought
of who or what or where
or what eyes
are not seeing.
Ugly is a paradise
of invisibility.
Fucking superpower.

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