laying under a million stars sparkling like diamonds
on black velvet
silk lingerie flowing to scarlet hands turning blue
satin sheets of white
to sleep.
God I'm calling....
maybe you'll answer soon.
"Wats' dat u got in ur hand?"
"Nigga it's cold as a mutha fuckah."
"let me hit that."
Into the next bar
snow keeps falling
I loved him by the red rock
but fool not this bar at this time
not at this place no way don't go.
The sound sprays brains against the mirror
where you can look at the person
beside you picture them naked get drunker
they look better no lie
get drunker and you just might
but the mirror yeah the mirror
brain, skull, blood drains leaving mercury pools
on a sticky bar floor.
Somebody's brother
somebody's friend
somebody's daddy
Some mama crying yea she knew moment
the soul shot to the sky
knives in her heart now
but she doesn't realize.
Green pools of the sea stare sky ways
how beautiful
in the crisp air deep winter
air thins and the stars sparkle like diamonds.
How warm my bed begins to feel.There's no turning back when the heat seeps in
there's only sleep...
Calling God but the line is busy
I guess I'll try back later.
Dee Dee loved the sheik
and took him into her bed
"Do you think he's using me?"
"I'm not sure are you a virgin? Let me check your assets
Is your hymen intact and do you have the
to cover
your beauty let them castrate youand let him line his front door floor?"
If so I think he likes you.
But didn't you say....
Gabriel came in time to wake me
held me in his arms
sheltered me with downy wings
"I'll never leave you now."
Happened before you were born
so it's not you
in white light shown bright as the sun
he left me his wings.
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